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Story Bears Visit Nursery

We recently welcomed a visit from ‘Story Bears’.   The children had so much fun listening to stories, playing musical instruments, clapping along to the rhythms and rhymes and dancing in a huge wave of bubbles!


At. St. Michael’s, we really value each and every child and strive to support their learning and development journey in every way we can.  When it comes to Language and Literacy, Communication and Listening Skills, we acknowledge just how powerful reading a story is and also providing the appropriate developmental resources for the children to be fully supported in this development.

For example, with our youngest children in Ladybirds and Butterflies, we understand that they respond to the rhythm and melody of language before they understand what the words mean.

We are often heard signing the same enjoyable songs and clapping our hands in a rhythm that is not only fun but also vitally important in supporting early communications skills such as learning the pattern and rhythm of language, the tone of the voice, the anticipation of an action and also hand-eye coordination skills.


Science has linked a clear relationship between music and language acquisition.  It is believed that the area in the brain that processes listening to music and rhythm, overlap with the language development network in the brain.  It is this powerful link that will in turn help contribute to support young readers in their early years of school life.



We are excited to announce that, as from April, St Michael’s will be funding Story Bears to visit us on alternate Monday mornings, with all age-groups enjoying music, storytelling , movement and rhyme. We all know the importance of music for communication and listening skills, as well as enjoyment for our wellbeing , so Clare will be a welcome guest at St. Michael’s.

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