Kindergarten Bake Up a Treat
Charlotte has been busy baking with the children this week and they have made the most delicious biscuits. The children weighed, measured, poured, mixed, added, stirred and took turns to make the biscuity dough. They smelt delicious and they went down a treat!
The children discovered how flour is made and even made a small world farm complete with hay and sawdust! The children had great fun making dens for their little animals.
We have started to notice some flowers emerging. We even had snowdrops in the woodland area. Look at the gorgeous painted flowers that the children have been painting. We just love the way they have used their finger tips to create the delicate petals.
Meanwhile in 'Wild Hygge' Outdoor Learning, Frogs have been the main theme this week. We made a little pond in our water tray and added rocks, pebbles and weeds to create a fabulous froggy habitat!