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Colours and Shapes

We love singing about colours and looking at different shapes. The little Ladybirds and Butterflies have been exploring the different colours, shapes, textures and sizes of objects in the sensory tray. Each tray has been set up with a particular colour in mind. The tactile, sensory rich trays offer the children the opportunity to explore using their senses. This in turn supports their creativity, curiosity, fine motor skills, communication and fosters social interaction with their peers.

Dragonflies have been invited to paint different colour shapes for their display board. The children had great fun dipping different shapes into the colourful paint and creating some fantastic prints.

Kindergarten have been invited to use tweezers to pick up colourful pompoms. Not only does this encourage and support fine motor skills, strength, coordination and dexterity in their hands, wrists and fingers, (a must for eventually holding a pencil to learn to write), this fun activity also encourages colour recognition, sorting by colour, counting, mathematical language and social interaction.

Some children attended outdoor learning sessions with Amy and really enjoyed the provocation to make new colours by mixing coloured water together. The children loved this experiment and were mesmerised as they used syringes, pipettes and squeezy bottles to blend the colours together. "I made the orange first and I had yellow, I put more in it." "I put in lots of water and I like pink."


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