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World Bee Day 2023

Happy World Bee Day!


Bees ๐Ÿ and other pollinators are so important to our ecosystems and vital in the production of nutritious food.

The children have been helping to save and protect the bees by planting lots of beautiful flowers in the wild flower garden, planting brightly coloured pansies in old wellington boots, making a bee water station, planting vegetables with Sarah and learning all about how they pollinate vegetables. We made some super cute bees by wrapping pine cones with yellow and black wool. We also had a mixture of media available to choose from including paints, glues, coloured paper and bubble wrap. TIP: Ditch the plastic googly eyes and make your own using paper!

We enjoyed the story 'Betty Bee' by Emily Hobson-Martin, and we learnt the Makaton signs for all Betty's emotions in the story.

We saw how Betty likes to drink sweet nectar from her proboscis and so we used pipettes dipped in yellow paint to learn how bees drink nectar from a flower. It turned into a race who could fill their hive the fastest!



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