Snow & Sunshine!
Kindergarten and Dragonflies have been exploring ice this week. We have been so lucky to experience beautiful crisp mornings with stunning sunrises. Children have wrapped up warm and explored the garden and woods in this winter wonderland. On Tuesday, children were running around our large lawn trying to catch the largest snowflakes! The children in Dragonflies were surprised to find ice in their buckets that had been left outside over night.
One little girl in Kindergarten was so pleased with her piece of ice she insisted she was taking it home! The staff seeing this as a particular point of interest to the children, extended this theme by putting on a puppet show about 'Charlie Crow in the Snow' and we even made a wintery scene 'snow globe' using a large jar, a twig, some water and the paper holes from a hole punch.
Gaynor prepared ice cubes for the children to guess what had been frozen inside...the children thought it was so funny that baked beans, a leaf & even a strawberry had been frozen!
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