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Messy Farmers!

Our theme is 'Down on the Farm'. Our Ladybirds and Butterflies have certainly been exploring this topic in all its glorious colours! The sensory table invited children to paint Baa Baa Black Sheep in multiple colours. The session was an explosion of wonderful discoveries - paint is messy, colourful, runny, cool to the touch, colour mixing, we can use a paint brush or even our hands and not to mention the noises of the little lambs "baaaaa"!

We have also been driving our toy tractors through runny paint to create painted tracks on the paper. We have loved singing 'Old Macdonald had a Farm' and made collage animals for our wall display.

On Monday we welcomed Clare from Story Bears and enjoys rhymes, songs, stories and of course the bubble machine! We have also spent many days enjoying the secure garden balcony and the large garden.


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