Visitors, Books and Virtual Reading From an Author
Last week we welcomed Kim from The Learning Journey. Kim read the story 'Bog Baby' by Jeanne Willis and the children were tasked to make their very own bog for the bog baby. This created conversations about habitats, looking after wildlife, finding different length sticks, measuring, comparing and adding natural items to the 'bog'.
This week, we welcomed Clare from Story Bears to share with us a story about a ladybird and invited the children to find her spots! On Tuesday, Andy from Romar Sports visited us to continue our football skills fun programme.
This week also saw our launch of the 'Read More in '24' campaign. It's our mission to promote the joy of reading and promote easy access for families to borrow a book from a lovely selection of stories that will suit the interests of every child. We have already had many wonderful responses to this initiative.
With the upcoming World Ocean Day festivities on Saturday 8th June, Kindergarten met Otto our giant red octopus puppet. We enjoyed a virtual reading of 'Otto's Ocean' from author Emily Hobson-Martin.