September - Start of a new term
Welcome to all our new families starting at nursery this term and welcome back to those after taking a summer break. We wish all our big school leavers luck in their new schools and we miss them already!
We have started this term with lots of fun activities getting to know one another and settling children into their new rooms and routines.
It's been lovely starting back with new pegs and trays and ready for an action packed Autumn term.
We have been discussing the topic 'All About Me' and the children have really enjoyed getting to know each other's favourite things and also noticing similarities and differences between one another. Our youngest Ladybirds in the baby room have been making the most wonderful display in their room using paint to print their hand and footprint - just like our logo! The next group is our Butterflies group, (15 month - 2 years), and they have been drawing around their friends and even grown up Zoe and then painting the paper. This opens up opportunities to talk about our features and what they are called - "can you point to your nose?"
The children in Dragonflies have been using mirrors to study their faces and point, recognise, name and count their features. We love their self portraits!
Not forgetting our Kindergarten group where the children have been discussing their preferences for many things, talking about their hobbies, listening to one another and using their creativity and imagination to create 'Captain Kindergarten'!